Important people of our company
What is your idea of a “dream team”? For me, this is a team that takes on operational tasks and does not stand still, is motivated by results and does not suffer from frequent changes in personnel. Let's figure out how to create such a team
In practice, I see that not everyone manages to build such a system. Illnesses of work teams manifest themselves in different ways: the manager is constantly immersed in all business processes, employees only create the “appearance of vigorous activity,” deadlines are overdue, and the HR manager has to work the hardest, endlessly selecting new candidates for positions... With such symptoms It's difficult for a business to gain momentum.
Over 15 years of entrepreneurial activity, I created my own team building system from scratch, which brings me generous results in the form of prosperity in my business projects. At the moment I am developing three businesses in different directions. At the same time, I have enough time for creative activities, self-development, travel and family.
For myself, I have identified 4 criteria by which the team’s work should be structured: autonomy, personal responsibility, desire for professional growth and focus on results. Let's look at the subtleties that will allow you to instill them in your team in practice.
How to reduce staff turnover
The foundation of a strong team is laid at the candidate selection stage. The frequency of personnel rotation largely depends on how the hiring process takes place.
In our companies we use an adaptation system. It involves the creation of special documentation, which the applicant, after successfully passing the interview, receives for study before being approved for the position. The documentation contains information about the company and job responsibilities. We usually allow one week to master the material, after which the candidate is tested. Such a system allows you to assess how suitable an employee is for the declared position. It also allows the trainee to better study corporate policy and work tasks and, thus, quickly integrate into the new structure.
In addition, we are now introducing additional testing to determine IQ level, which reflects the potential for productivity and labor efficiency. Because the higher this indicator, the faster a person learns, solves complex problems, analyzes information and makes decisions.
In my experience, such a comprehensive strategy for selecting and training new employees significantly reduces staff turnover. And this directly affects the efficiency of the team, improving the efficiency of processes and communication between departments.
How to increase employee autonomy and personal responsibility
In this matter, I act in two directions at once: I cultivate trust and provide tools for personal tracking. In order for an employee to be able to complete assigned tasks as independently as possible, it is important that he clearly sees his job responsibilities, the plan of assigned tasks and the deadlines for their completion. A structured distribution of functions between personnel provides an understanding of their area of responsibility. In addition, it is important to increase the level of trust in the team. Excessive control often has a negative impact on work results, depriving employees of the desire to take initiative and shifting some of the responsibility to management. When management does not require approval of every step, but at the same time keeps a finger on the pulse, tracking indicators, this allows a person to better reveal his potential, increasing the effectiveness of his work.
Tools for recording and monitoring task completion help us with this. Trackers make it possible to objectively assess the amount of work being performed, see the field of responsibility and deadlines. Thanks to this, the employee can track his productivity and performance, and it also allows management to promptly notice schedule delays and shortcomings, preventing, if necessary, delays in work processes.
As a result, when an employee has a clear structured plan, he sees how many tasks he completed in a month, how many times he missed the deadline, or, on the contrary, completed all tasks on time - this gives him the opportunity to more objectively evaluate his activities, understand where his area of responsibility is, what ultimately leading to increased levels of autonomy and personal responsibility.
How to motivate employees for professional growth and productive work
Perhaps, one of the main secrets of building a cohesive team is the approach in which the company itself develops valuable personnel. I am not afraid to hire a candidate who does not yet have a solid resume, but at the same time I try to create a corporate environment favorable for development. In my companies I try to pay special attention to professional development. For these purposes, we regularly conduct advanced training courses and various trainings in the required specializations. My employees also make sure to study foreign languages.
This is how employees see their own prospects and understand what the company can give them.
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